Egyptology News for 12th and 13th March 2013

Egyptology News for 12th and 13th March 2013

From Twitter @egyptologynews.  
Where on earth is this year going??  I cannot believe that it is mid-March already.

End of the season post from the Temple of Mut team, from their dig diary, with loads of great photos. Brooklyn Museum

Further to my previous, keep an eye on the #Save_antinoupolis hashtag if you want to follow this story.

More much-needed publicity about the damage inflicted by looters upon Antinoupolis and other sites. Worldcrunch

Conferencia: Religión y prácticas mágicas. El poder de los amuletos y hechizos contra los poderes maléficos. Ushebtis

Book Review: S.Ruzicka, Trouble in the West: Egypt and the Persian Empire, 525-332 BCE. Oxford Univ Press 2012. BMCR

Video: The biggest exhibition of Egyptian artifacts to be taken around this country will be displayed in Bristol. ITV

Curator’s Diary 13/3/13: Early Photographs of a Prince’s Journey in Egypt. Egypt at the Manchester Museum.

Via Rene Nieuwenhuizen ‏@ReneNieuw
Shape-Shifting Jesus Described in Ancient Egyptian Text -

Cemetery Holds Proof of Hard Labor. Akhenaten's capital was no paradise for many adults, children. National Geographic

QR codes and “Tales of Things” at the Petrie Museum by Andie Byrnes. @PetrieMuseEgypt UCL Museums + Collections Blog.

New Book: Wadi Sura, Cave of Beasts, A rock art site in the Gilf Kebir (SW Egypt). R. Kuper. Heinrich Barth Institut

RT @eloquentpeasant All objects in the Ancient Egypt gallery in National Museums Scotland are now available online

RT @NealSpencer_BM A beautiful, little known, granite statue of Ramses II has gone on display Room4 @britishmuseum.

Worrying article about prospects for geo-tourism in NewValley (oases). Fails to consider the damage already inflicted

Em Hotep Digest vol. 02 no. 09: Pharaoh Snefru’s Pyramids.

UNESCO visits Cairo to discuss threats to archaeo sites and the possibility of a regional centre for World Heritage.

Pharaon Magazine (in French) is now available in PDF format for 5 € per issue. …

New Book: Djekhy and Son. Ordinary businessmen from ancient Egypt. By Caryll Faraldi, AUC.Egyptian Gazette

Via Dan Snow ‏@thehistoryguy
If you watched the Syria programme, here's my article about the threat to the precious heritage of the country: …

The latest Museum Books catalogue is out now, in PDF: …

- Egyptology News 6th - 8th May 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews Wadi es-Sebua, Lake Nasser, Nubia Fieldwork A new temple and palace of Meroitic Queen Amanitore found in Wad Banaga area, Sudan. Sudan Vision  Yet more re the submerged 1200 year old city...

- Egyptology News 30th April - 5th May 2013
Copied from Twitter @egyptologynews. Wadi es-Sebua. Nubia Fieldwork Via @NealSpencer_BM Draft publications of 4th Cataract (Nubia) salvage archaeology, site 3-0 (64-page PDF). SARS      Gebel el Silsila...

- News For 3rd March 2013
Yesterday's news from the world of Egyptology, copied over from Twitter. Via Kristian Strutt ‏@kdstrutt: Antinoupolis Project blog. Visit to the Via Hadriana, Deir El Sombat and rock-cut coptic church Via Maria Nilsson...

- News From 13th February 013
Copied from @egyptologynews The Oriental Institute Electronic Publics. Initiative has made several new Egyptology publications available as PDFs: I had missed that the Djehuty dig diary is back online for 2013, with several...

- Stories From W/e 10th February 2013
Taken from my @egyptologynews Twitter account: Free online paper: Architectural Conservation of an Amun Temple in Sudan. T. Sweek, J.R. Anderson, S. Tanimoto. JCMS.       Queen Hatshpsut’s Netery-Menu has...

