Geoarchaeology August 2007

The journal Geoarchaeology has a number of fascinating papers focusing on the Mediterranean and Near East (part 2) in its August 2007 issue (Volume 22, Issue 6). Have a look at the above page for more information, with titles and abstracts, including Holocene climatic change and human settlement between the central Sahara and the Nile Valley: Archaeological and geomorphological results by Olaf Bubenzer and Heiko Riemer.
Part 1 of the Mediterranean and Near Eastern special issue (Volume 21, Issue 7, October 2006) also had an article on Egypt, focusing on the Western Desert: A digital elevation model as a base for the reconstruction of Holocene land-use potential in arid regions by Andreas Bolten, Olaf Bubenzer and Frank Darius
The June 2007 issue also had an interesting paper: An examination of groundwater within the Hawara Pyramid, Egypt by K. Keatings, G.J. Tassie, R.J. Flower, F.A. Hassan, M.A.R. Hamdan, M. Hughes, and C. Arrowsmith. I had to give that one a plug - Geoffrey Tassie is a friend.
If you are not a subscriber and don't have access via an institution, you can purchase 24 hour access to the articles on the Geoarchaeology website. The full listing of all Geoarchaeology issues can be accessed here.
Journal: Azania - Archaeological Research In Africa
Taylor and Francis Volume 47, Issue 2, 2012. All articles available for purchase, but abstracts are free to view. There's an article in this issue about the Western Desert, but Andrew B Smith's article may also be of interest. ...
Online: Geoarchaeological Research In Egypt And The Nile Valley
Geoarchaeology Many thanks, as usual, to Charles Ellwood Jones and his AWOL website for pointing to a special open edition of Geoarchaeology. Here's the introduction and see above for a full list of articles which are available in PDF format. Many...
Charting The Holocene Movements Of The Nile At Karnak
The latest issue of Geoarchaeology includes the following article (available for purchase for 24 hours): Stratigraphic landscape analysis: Charting the Holocene movements of the Nile at Karnak through ancient Egyptian time (Bunbury, JM; Graham, A; Hunter,...
Charting The Movements Of The Nile
Geoarchaeology There is an article in the most recent issue of Geoarchaeology which may be of interest. Unfortunately articles are not free to view online, but the abstracts can be viewed and 24 hour access to the articles can be purchased if required....
Sahara Journal 2007 The Contents for Volume 18 (May 2007) of the journal Sahara are now on the above page, with abstracts. The papers focus on the archaeology and rock art of northern Africa, and are written in...