Happy New Year

I would like to wish everyone a peaceful and enjoyable 2009.
I started this blog in March 2004 as a solo project but over the years it has become something of a joint project with Kat Newkirk, who has had her own problems recently, and over the last year Ben Morales-Correa has jumped in to help. We have become a very good team, for which my thanks and appreciation. Let's hope that 2009 produces some excellent Egyptology stories for us to report!
Any of the visitors to this blog who know me will know that the latter half of 2008 was a distinctly miserable time for my family. My mother died in late November after a long and painful illness, and my grandmother died a week later. I would just like to send, with my love, a broad but most sincere thank-you to everyone who sent and/or thought good wishes over the last couple of months. Truly appreciated.
Daily Photo By Bob Partridge
I am alternating between Rick Menges and Bob Partridge on a weekly basis because their photographs are so very different and all so interesting! I have lots of both so I should be able to keep going for a long time. I've also found some more that...
Otto Schaden's Dig Diary (kv 10 And Kv63)
Otto's Dig Diary 20 NOVEMBER 2008 Servus! I am happy to report that our plans for the 2009 season has now been finalized. I will depart for Cairo on January 2nd. Factoring in a few days of scheduled meetings and retrieving supplies I should reach...
Blog Update
Hi to all First of all, a HUGE thanks to Ben Morales-Correa for picking things up where I left off, particularly as I gave him no notice and I was away for much longer than I originally planned. Many many thanks also to Kat Newkirk, as ever, for continuing...
Happy Christmas - And A Website With Imhotep Museum Photos
A very sincere Happy Christmas to all visitors, with special thanks to the following for being good e-friends to myself and the blog (in absolutely no particular order, although Kat gets five gold stars for all the news articles that she sends me): Kat...
Happy New Year!
Hope that 2009 was not too horrible and that 2010 will be an improvement. The good thing is as you get older the years go by faster and that's good. Happy New Year!...