Interview: Nina Burleigh, author of Mirage (audio)

The Book Guys
An interview with Nina Burleigh, author of Mirage: Napoleon's Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt, by book appraiser Allan Stypeck and Washington DC radio host Mike Cuthbert.
Bob Partridge On Tv In The Uk
Thanks to Mike Hubbard for the info that Bob Partridge, the Editor of Ancient Egypt magazine, is to appear on BBC1's "The One Show" on Monday 5th April at 7:00 pm. Mike is sorry about the suddenness of this message, but they have only just now found...
Book Review: Mirage
New York Sun Mirage by Nina Burleigh Review by Matthew Price Napoleon enlisted a corps of France's brightest thinkers, known as the savants. In their three-year stay, the savants would endure hardship, death, and disease as they excavated ruins and...
Kv63 Website Updated Otto Schaden has updated the site as follows:My KV-63 Lectures to groups in California and Wisconsin were well received. In addition to the Wisconsin lecture and reception at the Kenosha Museum I also participated in a twenty minute interview...
Czech Egyptologists Report
Thanks again to EEF for the following link in the News Digest: interview with Ladislav Bares: " Czechs are now involved in excavation work in Egypt, Syria, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria and Kuwait. All have come up with some...
A Search In Secret Egypt
Paul Brunton E.P. Dutton & Co. INC New York 1936 ISBN-10: 0943914981 This 1936 book is one of those which has become a classic I have to say that I started to read it a few years ago however I stopped because the author Paul Brunton kept talking...