KMT Spring 2009
KMT (John Rauchert)

French-Egyptian Excavations at the Opet Temple, Karnak by Multiple Authors
Mounument closeup: The Temple of Khonsu, Karnak by Dennis Forbes
Under the Disk & Crescent: Use of Khonsu-Related Elements in a Tutankhamen Pectoral
by Earl L. Ertman
History of the Tomb of Ramose (TT55) Revealed in the Workmanship of Its Reliefs
by Arielle Kosloff
Photo Essay: The Oases of Egypt’s Western Desert by Aidan Dodson & Dyan Hilton
Ancient Egyptian Table Manners by Sonia Focke
Ancient Egypt & the Hawaiian Language by Donald P. Ryan
Plus “Nile Currents” & “For the Record,” as well as reviews of: The Twice Born and Seer of Egypt by Pauline Gedge; The Heretic Queen: A Novel by Michelle Moran; Lords of the Two Lands, Book One: Re Ascending by Chaz Desowl; and Cleopatra and Egypt by Sally-Ann Ashton
Latest Edition Of Kmt
KMT Thanks to John F. Rauchert for the update: KMT Volume 23, Number 1, Spring 2012. Includes Six Feature Articles: “The Amarna Princesses, Aten’s Daughters” by Dennis Forbes “Domenico Fontana Moves the Vatican Obelisk” by Bob Brier...
Kmt Magazine Winter 2010-11
KMT Thanks very much to John Rauchert for letting me know that the latest edition of KMT is now out. KMT Magazine, Volume 21, Number 4, Winter 2010-11 Includes Six Feature Articles: A Reconsideration of the Tiye-as-Sphinx Bracelet Plaque by George B....
Spring Edition Of Kmt (vol 21, No.1)
KMT Magazine Many thanks to John Rauchert for letting me know that the details of the spring edition of KMT have been added to their website. Volume 21, Number 1, Spring 2010 The Burial of Tutankhamen, Part 1 by Marianne Eaton-Krauss The Neues Museum,...
Kmt Fall 2006 am not sure how long the Fall (autumn) edition of KMT has been out (Volume 17, No.3) - I don't recall seeing a mention of it anywhere else. The contents can be found at the above page, together with...
Kmt Magazine - Winter 2005-2006 The above page shows the cover image and contents for the Winter 2005-2006 edition of KMT. The main features are as follows: THUTMOSE III: WARRIOR-PHARAOH& MASTER BUILDER by Dennis Forbes: A Review...