Mummification Museum Lecture - TT39 Puimra - Dr Gabirela Arrache

Mummification Museum Lecture - TT39 Puimra - Dr Gabirela Arrache
Thanks to Jane Akshar for adding some more notes from the lecture series held at Luxor's Mummification Museum. Her latest notes are from Dr Gabirela Arrache's lecture on TT39, the tomb of Puimra. "Dr Gabirela is from the Mexico mission and brought so much excitement and enthusiasm to the lecture. Puimra was a second prophet of Amun and his tomb is located in the Assasif area. Theirs is the first mission from Mexico in Egypt and she felt there was a lot of similarity in cultures.
The team started by using Goggle Earth to view the area of the Assasif and they also had a 1923 publication to compare with. They are using the very latest technology in their work,
Puimra had a lot of titles Inspector of the Cattle of Amun, Inspector of the Fields of Amun, One who the king has confidence in. Howard Carter found some statues of his and from these we know he was involved in the construction of Deir el Bahri and also served under Thothmosis III."
See the above page for the rest of Jane's notes.

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