Near the Pyramid of Lahun

Near the Pyramid of Lahun

This article of recent finds of 53 tombs found near the Lahun pyramid has a number of nice pictures.

- More Re Newest Information From Lahun
BBC News An ancient Egyptian tomb near the mud-brick pyramid of Lahun shows the site was used 1,000 years earlier than archaeologists previously thought. The burial site, 130km (80 miles) south of Cairo, was previously dated to Pharaoh Senuseret II -...

- More Re Lahun Finds
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) A short summary of the recent finds made near Lahun. It took a couple of minutes for this page to load, but I left it to its own devices and it got there in the end. A large necropolis of 53 rock-hewn tombs of various...

- Book Review: Daily Life In Ancient Egypt
Bryn Mawr Classical Review Kasia Szpakowska, Daily Life in Ancient Egypt. Recreating Lahun. Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2008. Reviewed by Danijela Stefanovic, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade This book recreates the daily life of the...

- Looking Eternally Good
Here are two more particularly beautiful pictures of undisturbed mummies recently found at the Lahun pyramid.

- Pretty Mummies
Here some photos from National Geographic on the recent finds of mummies from Illahun.

