Nebamun galleries - Raiders of the Lost Art
The Guardian (Robin McKie)
I am hoping to visit the Nebamun exhibits next week with a friend who is an expert on ancient Egyptian wildlife, so I will report back when I've had the chance to see it. I am looking forward to the visit enormously.

These are the tomb paintings that once belonged to Nebamun, a court official who lived almost 3,500 years ago, and they are the greatest surviving paintings we have from ancient Egypt. Each was created for Nebamun by a painter as gifted as any of the Renaissance's finest artists, and they will be revealed to the public this month when the British Museum opens a special gallery dedicated to them, a 10-year project that has cost £1.5m to complete. It will be a striking addition to the museum.
Yet for all the effort that has gone into the gallery's construction and the studies of its paintings, mystery still shrouds the Nebamun panels. For a start, archaeologists have no idea about the identity of the artist who created them and are equally puzzled why a painter of such talent was involved with a relatively minor clerk like Nebamun.
Nor do historians have any record of the original tomb's location. The man who discovered them was a Greek grave robber called Giovanni d'Athanasi, who dug them up in Thebes, as Luxor was then known, and then passed them on, via a collector, to the British Museum. However, in 1835 D'Athanasi fell out with curators over his finder's fee and refused to divulge the precise position of the tomb. He took his secret to the grave, dying a pauper in 1854 in Howland Street, a few minutes' walk from the museum. Ever since, archaeologists have searched in vain for the tomb of Nebamun and any treasures that it may still contain.
See the above page for the full story.
Nebamun: A Happy Ending With A Pinch Of Salt
Al Ahram Weekly (Jenny Jobbins) UPDATE: Jenny Jobbins correctly pointed out that I copied the word "Salt" as "salt". I have corrected it above. Apologies to all. I thought that we had seen the end of reviews of the Nebamun gallery at the British Museum,...
More Re New Nebamun Gallery At The British Museum
Times Online (Rachel Cambell-Johnston) It is lovely to see how much coverage the new gallery is receiving. Who says accountants are boring? Some of the ancient world's most entrancing paintings celebrate the life of a man who kept tallies for a living....
More Re New Nebamun Gallery At The British Museum
Suite 101 (Stan Parchin) As usual Stan has written an excellent overview, looking at the background to the Nebamun paintings, the restoration work and the new gallery. Excavated from the tomb-chapel of Nebamun, now lost, the 11 paintings represent a...
The Lost Chapel Of Nebamun
Nebamun was an 18th dynasty Egyptian nobel who lived somewhere around the reign of the opulent King Amenhotep III or his successor Amenhotep IV. Nebamun is known today most famously for eleven fragments of frescoes from his tomb chapel housed since 1823...
Nebamun Restoration Complete
The eleven beautiful panels from the tomb chapel of Nebamun have been conserved and are now on display at the British museum.British museum: The Nebamun panels