New book: Rough Guide to Tutankhamun

Rough Guides
The new exhibition Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs offers a unique insight into the art, wealth and power of Egypt’s New Kingdom. The Rough Guide to Tutankhamun provides all the background, with compelling details on the treasures and their discovery. From the opulence and riches of the royal court at Thebes, to the cult of the god Amun and the great heresy of Akhenaten, the extraordinary era of Tutankhamun’s Egypt is explained. The full story of the Valley of the Kings is told, shedding light on why the royal tombs were built, who built them, and how they were decorated, together with the significance of the treasures and the practice and processes of mummification. Fascinating background on Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon, the discoverers of Tutankhamun’s tomb, and on the fabled curse and its supposed victims. And a report on the CT scan of Tutankhamun’s mummy, done in 2005 to reveal the pharaoh’s true cause of death.
Exhibition: Tutankhamun – His Tomb And His Treasures,
The Guardian, UK (Jonathan Jones) "What can you see?" asked the people behind archaeologist Howard Carter as he peered through a newly dug hole into the tomb chamber of the boy king Tutankhamun in 1922. "Wonderful things!" gasped Carter. And it was true....
Feature: Tutankhamun's Tomb - House Of Gold
Heritage Key (Sean Williams) With video. "In most Egyptian tombs you've either got the wall paintings or the coffin." Fiona, 8th Countess of Carnarvon says, stressing the uniqueness of Tutankhamun's tomb, the greatest discovery in history. Its...
Daily Photo - Tutankhamun
As nearly all of today's posts feature Tutankhamun, I felt obliged to make today's Daily Photograph relevant to the boy king. However, when I last took photographs at the Cairo museum I didn't have a good enough camera for the job, so I decided...
Lord Carnarvon Returns To Egypt To Examine New Evidence About Tutankhamun
Newbury Today () A TELEVISION documentary will follow Lord Carnarvon’s travels back to Egypt to examine new finds from Tutankhamun’s tomb, which question long-held theories about the young pharoah. The eighth Lord Carnarvon, a keen amateur archaeologist,...
Tutankhamun In Chicago inevitably, there is bound to be a whole plethora of articles in anticipation of the opening of Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of Pharaohs, which is due to open in Chicago on May 26th. This article...