New Book: Egyptology Today

Cambridge University Press
Egyptology Today. By Richard Wilkinson. Cambridge University Press. January 2008.
Egyptology Today examines how modern scholars examine all aspects of ancient Egypt, one of the greatest of all ancient civilizations. In essays by a team of archaeologists, curators, scholars, and conservators who are actively involved in research or applied aspects of Egyptology, this book looks at the techniques and methods that are used to increase our understanding of a distant culture that was as old to the Greeks and Romans as these cultures are to us. Topics range from how tombs and other monuments are discovered, excavated, recorded and preserved, to the study of Egyptian history, art, artifacts, and texts. Each chapter shows how modern Egyptology approaches, learns about, and strives to preserve the ancient remains of one of the most fascinating cultures in human history.
• The first single volume introduction to Egyptology covering all aspects of ancient Egypt • Unlike many other books, this is not just about ancient Egyptian culture or history but rather how modern scholars examine and bring to life the remains of ancient Egypt today • Written by leading and rising scholars who are themselves archaeologists, curators, professors and conservators actively involved in research or applied aspects of Egyptology
See the above page for the table of contents.
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