New(ish) Book: The Tree Shelter
Leuven University Press
A Holocene Prehistoric Sequence in the Egyptian Red Sea Area: The Tree Shelter
Edited by: Pierre M. Vermeersch
Multiple apologies for failing to post this before, because not only have I known about this book for months but I own a copy. Better late than never, I hope!

The prehistory of the Eastern Desert of Egypt is not well understood. A Holocene Prehistoric Sequence in the Egyptian Red Sea Area: The Tree Shelter is an important contribution to our knowledge of the Epi-Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Predynastic occupation of the area. It presents the results of an excavation of a small rock shelter near Quseir, Egypt, which is one of the rare stratified sites in the Eastern Egyptian desert. The stratigraphic sequence starts around 8000 bp and continues until about 5000 bp. The archaeological material attests clear connections with the Nile Valley and the Western Desert during the wet Holocene period. Topics covered in the book include the site’s lithics and ceramics, microwear analysis of the lithic artefacts, and the woody vegetation of the Neolithic period.
A table of contents and author information are also available on the above page.
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