News from Luxor

News from Luxor
Jane Akshar has updated her blog with some new updates from Luxor, where she lives and works, including a posting about the new entrance to the Ramesseum and a follow up to Edwin Brock's lecture about the work required to save Luxor and Karnak temples.

- Ramesseum Updates has updated her Luxor News blog with some information about work being carried out at the Ramesseum including the use of different technologies and conservation work....

- Luxor News Jane Akshar has been updating her blog, as usual, with some excellent information about current activities in Luxor. See the following web pages: Mummification Museum Lecture - Marriage Stele of Ramses II - Charles...

- Lecture Series At Luxor Mummification Museum very much to Jane Akshar and her Luxor News Blog for the information that the Luxor Mummification Museum has announced its new lecture series, now being held on a Sunday, and kicking off with an update...

- Draining Water From Karnak And Luxor Luxor News Blog's Jane Akshar has reported on a recent lecture by Edwin Brock. "He talked about the project to drain the temples of Karnak and Luxor. . . . The project to drain these sites was started by...

- Ramesseum Update Jane Akshar has updated her Luxor Blog with a piece about Christian Le Blanc's work and plans at the Ramesseum, including current excavations, a plan to move the public entrance, and future restoration...

