Online: Treasures of Dakhleh Oasis

Online: Treasures of Dakhleh Oasis

Leiden University Open Access    

An exhibition on the occasion of the Fifth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project

Informative 40-page PDF with some lovely photographs.


Dakhleh, the “inner” of the oases to the West of Luxor is one of the most important Oases of the Western Desert. It has the main important archaeological sites including a town of the Old Kingdom and its associated necropolis, near the modern village of Balat, which show that the Egyptians’ control extended more than 350 km west of the Nile Valley into the Western Desert from a very early period through the Pharaonic to the Greek and Roman periods. It also has a number of important Coptic and Islamic sites. Therefore you can smell the history of Egypt in this wonderful Oasis.

Since 1978 Antony J. Mills works on the Dakhleh Oasis Project (DOP). The small exhibition Treasures of the Dakhleh Oasis at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, is held on the occasion of the Fifth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project, held 3‐6 June in Cairo. This exhibition importantly reflects the work of Olaf Kaper (Leiden University), Fred Leemhuis (Groningen University) and is supported by the Netherlands‐Flemish Institute in Cairo. We would like to extend our gratitude to them for this very informative exhibition and its beautifully illustrated catalogue.

Dr Wafaa el Saddik
Director of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo

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