Petrie images on Flickr
Egypt Exploration Society
Not to be missed! These photos are super.

The EES Lucy Gura Archive contains numerous photographs from the digs of Flinders Petrie, the Society's first excavator, and the most prolific. In his 42 year career, Petrie explored more than 35 sites in Egypt as well as sites in Palestine and the Levant, published over 1 000 books and articles, and established the foundations of modern field archaeology. His achievements are too numerous to list, but include the establishment of sequence dating, the discovery of the city of Naukratis, the finding of the Israel Stela of Merneptah, and the establishment of a collection at University College, London which is now part of the collection of the eponymous Petrie Museum, UCL.
The photographs in the EES archive are mainly old glass negatives. Fortunately, these have been scanned, allowing us to make them available to scholars and enthusiasts. A small selection of these photographs have been uploaded to the Society's Flickr stream, and can been found here.
New Book: Hidden Hands
Hidden Hands. Egyptian workforces in Petrie excavation archives, 1880-1924 Stephen Quirke Duckworth ISBN 9780715639047 An exploration of one of the great archives of archaeology, revealing the contribution of Egyptian workforces to excavations in Egypt...
Lowe Art Museum Shows "excavating Egypt: Great Discoveries" From The Petrie Museum
Art Knowledge News Excavating Egypt: Great Discoveries from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology,University College, London, is on view at the Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, from June 28th through November 2nd, 2008. The major traveling exhibition...
Friends Of The Petrie Magazine 34, Spring 2007 The latest issue of the Friends of the Petrie Museum Magazine (Issue 34, Spring 2007) is now available to members. Anyone based in London and intererested in Egyptology should check out the benefits of joining the Friends,...
Reader In The Sands Of Time,,923-1814247,00.html "He liked to work in his underpants and ate only from tins, but Flinders Petrie changed the face of archaeology". Joyce Tyldesley writing about Sir William Flinders Petrie, who transformed archaeological...
Catalogue Of Petrie's Finds At Naukratis
The British Museum is creating an online catalogue of Sir Flinders Petrie's finds from the ancient Egyptian Greek trading post of Naukratis. Petrie excavated the city in the mid 1880's and collected more than ten thousand artifacts from the smashed...