The 2010 Petrie annual book auction will start this weekend. The first list will be sent out on Friday. If you have received this email you do not need to register again.
Thank you for subscribing to the Petrie book auction - remember that you can 'unsubscribe' at any time.This email auction will culminate on the evening of the 8th December with a live auction. The auction is open to all and will be held at the Petrie Museum, Malet Place WC1. Viewing from 6.00, auction starts at 6.45
The complete list follows separately with starting prices on all volumes inviting bids (BID?). As bids come in the bid is listed with the bidder's initials alongside, e.g. GBP 10 (JP)
TO BID, please either cut and paste title with your bid added, or give me the book number(s) and your bid. Please don't return the entire list - unless you're bidding on everything!
Regular updates on the state of the bidding will be sent out. All bids should be sent to [email protected]
Closing date for email bids will be Saturday 4 December. All bids will be carried forward to the evening of 8 December. No books will be sold before that date so that Friends and others not on email will have a chance to participate.
The highest email bidder will be invited to submit a final ceiling-price which will ONLY be used - in increments - if he/she is outbid on the evening.
We reserve the right to withdraw, cancel, or change the rules if it all gets too complicated.
If you wish to cancel your receipt of any further auction information just send an email with 'auction delete' in the header and we won't bother you again.
After the auction successful bidders will be contacted with the amount owed for their books.
All prices will be plus postage, payable in advance in GB pounds by cash, UK cheque, or overseas bankers cheque drawn on a UK bank, (or Post Office Giro-cheques from Europe are reasonably priced, or postal orders) so please bear that in mind when making your bid. Sorry, but we don't have the facilities to accept direct credit card payment although we can accept payment via PAYPAL. Books can be collected from the Museum by prior arrangement.
Best wishes, and good luck!!
Jan Picton