Petrie Museum closure

Due to a lack of heating, the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology is currently closed to the public.
They anticipate that the museum will be closed until Tuesday 13th January, 2009, but will review the situation on a daily basis, so please do call or email them to check before starting your journey.
Please see the 'Visiting the Museum' section of the website for more information.
The online database of all of the Petrie's artefacts is still, of course, fully functional and can be reached from the above page.
Petrie Museum Closure And Access Difficulties
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology (same URL, new website design) Friends of the Petrie UCL is continuing work on Malet Place this summer, reinstating the Victorian gates at the entrance and resurfacing. It is hoped that this will represent the completion...
London Museum Status Update
Perhaps of interest if you live in the UK or are planning a visit to London in the near future. British Museum Just to let everyone know after my recent rant about the telephone handling at the BM, a physical inspection of the British Museum confirms...
Publication Appeal: Unseen Images
Friends of the Petrie Museum I am very attached to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology (London, U.K.), so here's a ruthless appeal on the behalf of their forthcoming publication, which looks like an excellent enterprise. An appeal for the publication...
Petrie Book Auction On Wednesday 12th July The Friends of the Petrie Museum will be holding their annual book auction in Room G6, Institute of Archaeology (University College London), 30 Gordon Square. Email...
Reader In The Sands Of Time,,923-1814247,00.html "He liked to work in his underpants and ate only from tins, but Flinders Petrie changed the face of archaeology". Joyce Tyldesley writing about Sir William Flinders Petrie, who transformed archaeological...