Philae Victory Stele

This is an article on the Philae victory stele which has been known for more than a hundred years however the trilingual inscription is poorly carved and difficult to read. Recent study has shown that Roman Emperor Octavian is mentioned as a Pharaoh on the stele even though Octavian was never crowned Pharaoh.
Paper Discusses Possibility Of Early Egyptian Reference To Israel
Bible History Daily The Merneptah Stele has long been touted as the earliest extrabiblical reference to Israel.* The ancient Egyptian inscription dates to about 1205 B.C.E. and recounts the military conquests of the pharaoh Merneptah. Near the bottom...
News: Finds From Heracleion
USA Today The Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology released the monograph of a sunken stone stele discovered in the city of Heracleion dating to the reign of the Greek Pharaoh Ptolemy VIII before 116 B.C. The stele, inscribed in Greek and Hieroglyphs,...
New Book: Philae And The End Of Ancient Egyptian Religion
Dijkstra J.H.F., Philae and the End of Ancient Egyptian Religion. A Regional Study of Religious Transformation (298-642 CE) Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 173 Summary: The famous island of Philae, on Egypt's southern frontier, can be considered...
The Exodus, Finding The Exact Date
The Exodus The famed Egyptologist Sir Alan Gardiner,...
How The Battle Of Actium Changed
Poor Antony and Cleopatre really pissed Octavian and in 31bc Octavian showed who's boss.