Photo for Today - Close up of RII obelisk in Rome
I have been playing catch-up and there are several stories still on my laptop which need to be posted. I'll be adding them over the next couple of days.

Obelisk of Ramesses II
Piazza della Rotunda, Rome
See previous post for full details.
Egyptian Obelisk Amongst Rome Monuments Vandalised
BBC News (David Willey) Three historic monuments have been attacked by vandals in the Italian capital, Rome. In the first attack, a man was caught on security cameras chipping two pieces off a marble statue on a fountain in the Piazza Navona. Hours later...
Photo For Today
As usual the photo chosen for the day whilst I'm in Wales inevitably comes from my laptop, on which I keep only a few holiday snaps of the Egyptian deserts and a few more of Italy. In case you are fed up with desert shots here, instead, is a photo...
New Book: Obelisk: A History
PennState Live Brian A. Curran, associate professor of art history at Penn State, is a co-author of "Obelisk: A History," published in April 2009 by MIT Press. The illustrated book traces the fate and many meanings of obelisks -- giant standing stones...
Blog Update
Hello to everyone Thanks HUGELY to Ben Morales-Correa for doing such a fantastic job whilst I was soaking up the sun and sights in Italy. You would not believe how much it has lightened my load to know that, thanks to Ben's work, I don't have...
A Sliver Of Ancient Egypt In Central Park The Dahesh Museum, at Madison Avenue and 56th Street, has extended the run of its outstanding exhibition Napoleon on the Nile to April 22. Napoleon's Egyptian venture was militarily disastrous. But the "savants"...