Photo for Today - Medinet Habu

High Gate of Ramesses III, with rooms above the entrance
used during royal visits by the women of the harem.
The light was all wrong for this photo, which fails
to show the excellent relief carvings.
Follow The Gurob Excavation
Gurob Harem Palace Blog The main area of settlement remains at the site can be clearly identified as the remains of an independent establishment relating to royal women (a 'harem-palace'), founded in the reign of Thutmose III (1479-1425...
Photo For Today - Medinet Habu
Inscription at entrance to second court Medinet Habu Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...
Photo For Today - Medinet Habu
More victims of Ramesses III First Court, Medinet Habu Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...
Online Resource: Baked Clay Figurines And Votive Beds From Medinet Habu
The Oriental Institute Baked Clay Figurines and Votive Beds from Medinet Habu Emily Teeter This catalog presents the entire corpus of 272 baked clay figurines and votive beds excavated at Medinet Habu in Western Thebes by the Oriental Institute of the...
Resource: More From The Oriental Institute
More online publications have been added to the Oriental Institute's website: OIP 84. Medinet Habu, Volume IV. The Temple Proper, Part II: The Re Chapel, the Royal Mortuary Complex, and Adjacent Rooms with Miscellaneous Material from the Pylons, the...