Photo for Today - Naqada I ceramics, MFA

Copyright Rick Menges, with my thanks
Showing a wonderful Naqada I vessel with animals modeled on the rim,
a bowl with hippopotamus decoration,
and double libation cups.
All links go to descriptions on the MFA website
The MFA has a marvellous Predynastic collection.
Go to their online collection search engine and type in "predynastic" for
a wonderful collection of ceramics, palettes, and lithics.
Book Review: A Manual Of Egyptian Pottery
PalArch (Review by Augusto Gayubas) Wodzińska, A. 2009. A Manual of Egyptian Pottery. Volume 1: Fayum A-Lower Egyptian Culture. - Boston, Ancient Egypt Research Associates Dr. Anna Wodzińska, who works at the Institute of Archaeology of the University...
Daily Photograph By Rick Menges
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UC10774. Black-topped pot. Type B86M,with pot mark. Height 11.3 ins, width 9.8 ins. Found at El Amrah. Predynastic Period (3100BCE-5300BCE) UC10702. Decorated pot, type D67B. Height 17.5 ins diameter 22.0 ins. (If you look up this vessel from the above...
Daily Photo: Naqada Ii Ceramics
More photographs from the British Museum. Today's are Naqada II or Class D decorated ceramics. Flinders Petrie, known as the Father of Pots, devised a sequence for the Predynastic pottery that he was finding, and his pioneering work is still in use...