Photo for Today - Temple of Kalabsha

Temple of Kalabsha, New Kalabsha
I'm still trying to find out about this image. The symbol on top
of the figure's head represents a nome. It looks like either the
11th or 17th nomes (both in Middle Egypt) but I cannot think,
offhand, why either would be featured here.
Photo For Today - Temple Of Kalabsha
Nilometer, Temple of Kalabsha New Kalabsha Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...
Photo For Today - Temple Of Kalabsha
Column capitals, Temple of Kalabsha, New Kalabsha Island Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...
Photo For Today - Beit El-wali
Ramesses II with the Elephantine deity Khnum and his consort Anukis Beit el-Wali, New Kalabsha island, near Aswan This is the last of the photos from Beit el-Wali. There will be more from New Kalabsha in the next couple of weeks. Egyptology News Blog,...
Daily Photo By Bob Partridge (ancient Egypt Magazine)
Kiosk of Qertassi at New Kalabsha New Kalabsha is located just 1km south of the Aswan High Dam and the Kiosk is one of the sites rescued from the rising waters of Lake Nasser It was originally erected next to sandstone quarries 40km to the south and...
Reopening, Restoring Kalabsha Island Temples temples of Kalabsha Island in Aswan will be opened next month for visitors following a comprehensive restoration that covered the archaeological site. There are rock inscriptions of animals, boats...