Photo for Today - Temple of Kalabsha

The deity Mandulis/Merwel with lotus flowers.
Mandulis was a Lower Nubian deity often associated with Horus.
Here he is shown in the form of a falcon with a human head, with his elaborate crown.
Hypostyle Hall, New Kalabsha.
Photo For Today - More From The Walters Art Museum
WM-EG031 Falcon Sacred to Horus Copyright Rick Menges, with my thanks Date (Period): ca. 380-150 BC (Late Period-early Greco-Roman) Medium: granodiorite Measurements: 15 7/16 x 6 1/4 x 12 5/8 in. (39.2 x 15.8 x 32 cm) Item Description: The falcon was...
Photo For Today - Temple Of Kalabsha
Mandulis (Merwel) with his elaborate crown. New Kalabsha Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...
Photo For Today - Temple Of Kalabsha
I've only posted the two most important news items today because right now I'm supposed to be driving from one side of Wales to the other for a short break at the coast. Somehow things have become a little fraught on the planning front! I'm...
Photo For Today - Temple Of Kalabsha
Pronaos - hypostyle hall Temple of Kalabsha Egyptology News Blog, Andie Byrnes...
Photo For Today - Beit El-wali
Ramesses II with the Elephantine deity Khnum and his consort Anukis Beit el-Wali, New Kalabsha island, near Aswan This is the last of the photos from Beit el-Wali. There will be more from New Kalabsha in the next couple of weeks. Egyptology News Blog,...