Photo for Today - the Avenue of Sphinxes at Luxor Temple

The start of an avenue of sphinxes that originally stretched
to the Temple of Karnak which lies approximately North.
Photo and text by Jon Bosworth, with my thanks.
[This is an old photograph - the mosque at the end of the photo
has been removed so that the Avenue can be used by tourists to walk
from Luxor to Karnak, one of many sacrifices. Andie].
In The Pharaohs' Footsteps
Al Ahram Weekly With photos. Inspection of the last phase of the Avenue of the Sphinxes development project and the discovery of the missing parts of the colossal double statue of the 18th-Dynasty Pharaoh Amenhotep III and his wife Queen Tiye, now on...
More Re Avenue Of Sphinxes Discoveries
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El Aref) TWELVE sphinx statues from the reign of the 30th- Dynasty Pharaoh Nectanebo I were unearthed last week in Luxor, reports Nevine El-Aref. Archaeologists have unearthed a set of 12 limestone sphinx statues near the road...
Photo Of Construction Work At The Avenue Of Sphinxes
Flickr (Sphingenallee) A somewhat staggering photograph of the construction work being carried out at the Avenue of Sphinxes in front of the Temple of Luxor (also shown in the photo). The other photos in the set also show the work being carried out and...
More Re Luxor's Avenue Of Sphinxes (Zahi Hawass) The SCA currently has many restoration projects underway. One of the most important is the Avenue of Sphinxes in Luxor. This is an avenue that stretches between Karnak and Luxor Temples and is lined with sphinxes, although most...
More Re Avenue Of Sphinxes, Luxor
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) The magnificent aspect of the Avenue of Sphinxes that once connected the temples of Luxor and Karnak, where priests, royalty and the pious walked in procession to celebrate the Opet festival, is being rekindled. Many of...