Photo for Today: Tutankhamun family album
Based on the JAMA paper here's a photographic hall of fame based on Tutankhamun's new ly proposed family tree, just for a bit of fun. I'm sorry that they're not better - these are just the ones I have kicking around on my laptop. One does wonder what some of them looked like in "real life".
Yuya and his wife Thuya were the parents of Tiye (a daughter).


Tiye was married to the pharaoh Amenhotep III, the son of the pharaoh Thutmose IV and his wife Mutemwiya.

Amenhotep III

Queen Tiye, the "Elder Lady" in KV35
(with thanks to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology)
Tiye and Amenhotep III produced Amenhotep IV (who re-named himself Akhenaten). He married a daughter of Amenhotep III (but not necessarily of Queen Tiye) whose name is unknown but has been identified as "The Younger Lady", a mummy found in a cache of three in KV35. Amenhotep kept a harem and had 5 daughters, of which she was apparently one.

Akhenaten / Amenhotep IV
(possibly the mummy in KV55)

The Younger Lady (not at her best, unfortunately!)
Akhenaten and his sister, the Younger Lady, produced Tutankhamun and, it is proposed, a sister to whom Tutankhamun may have been married and with whom he had two stillborn children.

Gilded Coffin And Funerary Mask Of Tjuya
Art Museum Journal (Stan Parchin) With photos. Yuya and Tjuya were the parents of Queen Tiye, the Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III (r. 1390-1353 B.C.) and the grandmother of Tutankhamun (r. 1332-1323 B.C.). Commoners of high social rank from...
Tutankhamen’s Dynasty In The Valley Of Kings
Asharq Alawsat (Zahi Hawass) The press conference held at the Egyptian Museum last week is still being discussed not only among scientists and Egyptologists but also among lovers of ancient Egyptian civilization, especially as the conference highlighted...
Mystery Of The Mummy From Kv55 Thanks to Huib Benne for sending me the link to this page. It is Zahi Hawass's take on this particular issue, with some detailed background information about the Amarna period and a description of some of the key contents of KV55. The...
Daily Photo - Tutankhamun
As nearly all of today's posts feature Tutankhamun, I felt obliged to make today's Daily Photograph relevant to the boy king. However, when I last took photographs at the Cairo museum I didn't have a good enough camera for the job, so I decided...
The Mummy Of Queen Tiye
The Kings Wife Tiye was wife of King Amenhotep III ca 1350bc and the mother of Amenhotep IV, the heretic Akhenaten. She and Amenhotep historically were probably only children when married and if the record is accurate she probably outlived her husband...