Photo for Today from the tomb of Yuya and Thuyu

Four small vessels from the tomb of Yuya and Thuyu in
the Valley of the Kings (KV46),
Cairo Museum (taken in 1996)
The vessel interiors are hollowed out to a depth of only c.4 cms.
Full details of the tomb can be found on the
Theban Mapping Project website.
A non-royal tomb, it had been robbed but was still
found with much of its funerary contents in tact when it
was discovered by Quibell in 1905.
These little jars have always been a favourite of mine.
Gilded Coffin And Funerary Mask Of Tjuya
Art Museum Journal (Stan Parchin) With photos. Yuya and Tjuya were the parents of Queen Tiye, the Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III (r. 1390-1353 B.C.) and the grandmother of Tutankhamun (r. 1332-1323 B.C.). Commoners of high social rank from...
Feature: The Riddle Of Kv63 (Zahi Hawass) With video After King Tut’s tomb was discovered, everyone thought there were no more tombs to be found in the Valley of the Kings. But in 2006, we made an amazing discovery, the shaft of an unknown tomb. When I first saw the...
Kv 5 Update
Theban Mapping Project (Kent Weeks) Thanks very much to Kate Phizackerley's "News from the Valley of the Kings" blog for the information that Kent Weeks has published a brief 2009 update on the clearing of KV 5, the tomb of the sons of Ramesses II....
Mummifying Dinner
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A Broken Statue Of Tutankhamun
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