Recent work in Minufiyeh

Egypt Exploration Society
The Minufiyeh Archaeological Survey, directed by Dr Joanne Rowland, is part of the Society’s Delta Survey (, and has recently completed its fourth season of work in the central Delta province of Minufiyeh.
The 2008 season lasted from 26 March to 17 May and involved 1) a ground survey in the area of Khattatbah, aimed at identifying prehistoric remains on the desert edges, 2) the continuation of the province-wide ground survey, which was begun in 2005, 3) the re-opening of a test excavation trench in a cemetery on the Quesna gezira, 4) drill coring in the low ground around Quesna and, 5) a resistance tomography survey in the village of Kom al Ahmar, Minuf.
The Austrian West Delta Expedition led by Hermann Junker visited Khattatbah in 1927-8. The landscape has altered much since that time, but despite extensive land reclamation in the area, stone tools were visible on the surface in some areas, and in one spot a cluster of New Kingdom ceramic sherds was also in evidence.
See the above page for the full story. The above photograph shows Jo Rowland at work.
Journal Of Egyptian Archaeology 97
EES The Society is pleased to announce the publication of Issue 97 of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. This volume has now been dispatched to members, and should be arriving with them soon (if you haven't received your copy, please contact the...
Minufiyeh Survey 2012
EES Minufiyeh Survey (Jo Rowland) Jo Rowland and her team are back in Minufiyeh in the Delta and are already hard at work excavating where they left off last year. Today was the start of the excavation at Quesna. Our team of local workers were waiting...
Ees Minufiyeh Survey
EES Minufiyeh Survey (Joanne Rowland) Jo is back in the Minufiyeh district of the Delta reporting on the long term project to survey the area. See the above page for all her posts to date. Wednesday 23rd March Today was the first real day of survey work...
Returning To The Delta
EES Delta Survey The EES Delta Survey have started updating on Tumblr again this season. This is my last day at work before we leave on Monday for Egypt - flying on Egyptair this time after the problem we had at the end of the last season with the BA...
Ees Delta Survey
Egypt Exporation Society With photos. The online publication of the EES Delta Survey has been updated recently by Jeffrey Spencer to reflect recent activity by the Society and by other expeditions. Links to the dedicated websites of non-EES projects have...