Request for lecture notes from Origins 3 - Investigations at HK6

Massimo Izzo, a Masters student from Pisa (under Dr. Marilina Betrò) has asked me if I took lecture notes for Renee Friedman's lecture
Origins of Monumental Architecture: Investigations at Hierakonpolis HK6 in 2008.Sadly I wasn't there (I was working at Bloomsbury) but I wondered if someone else could help out? I promise not to publish them on the blog but will just to forward them to Max!
Lecture: Tt33 Padiamenope Ala Petamenophis
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Jane kindly took some notes for her readers as usual, but the lecture was in French so most of her notes were taken from the occasional slide with English captions. Here's an extract: TT33 Padiamenope ala Petamenophis...
Mummification Museum Lecture - Chicago House Report 2007-2009
Luxor News Blog (Jane Akshar) Chicago House report 2007-2009 by Ray Johnson Sadly the last lecture in this season, what am I going to do on Saturday nights now. Nice to finish with Ray, as one person commented they had no idea just how much Chicago House...
Egyptologist Talks Cultural Origins At Hierakonpolis
Daily Vanguard (Caitlin Loughran) "It sounds like a bad joke. Eight Dogs, six cats and a baboon walk into a bar…." These are the words of Egyptologist Renee Friedman, describing her experience excavating a burial site in Hierakonopolis, Egypt, containing...
Bit Of A Blog Update
I thought that a couple of bits of information for regular visitors might be in order. As Bloomsbury starts early on some days and finishes late on others so the blog is being updated on a "when I have a moment" basis - which turns out to be every other...
The Religious Texts In Tt 353
Luxor News Blog Jane Akshar has published her notes from the most recent lecture at the Mummification Museum in Luxor on her blog at the above address. The lecture was by Dr Francisco J Martin Valentin, and was entitled The Religious Texts in TT353 –...