Restoring Nubia's monuments

Restoring Nubia's monuments
"As part of the international campaign to rescue Nubia's monuments, a large project that includes the rebuilding of the Temple of Thutmose III in Suboe' Valley, is being carried out by the Fund for Nubian Archaeology, affiliated to the Ministry of Culture. The project also includes using solar energy to light up the temples at Suboe'.The Permanent Committee for Egyptian Antiquities is to photocopy all the documents about Nubia and its archaeology before the building of the Aswan High Dam, to be displayed in the Documents Centre at the Nubia Museum. 'They include documents in Arabic, English and French, dating from 1900 to 1970,' said Mohamed Abdel Fatah, head of the Museums Sector, adding that the documents are also about the Nubian people, not just the area's ancient monuments. Abdel Fatah noted that the documents included maps of Aswan printed in 1927 and a map of Al-Kubania Valley, where the remains of a prehistoric man was found. Some 50,000 maps have been borrowed from the storehouses at Aswan and Abu Simbel, as well as archive photographs, books and manuscripts, said Hussein A. Hussein, head of the Fund for Nubian Archaeology."

- Egypt Antiquities Gets New Chief
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) Following two months of the cancelation of the Ministry of State for Antiquities Affairs, Prime Minister Essam Sharaf appointed Mohamed Abdel Fatah the new Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA). ...

- Online Journal: Egypt And Nubia In The 5th-4th Millennia Bce
British Museum Egypt and Nubia in the 5th–4th millennia BCE: A view from the First Cataract and its surroundings Maria Carmela Gatto British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 13 (2009): 125–45 Introduction Prehistoric sites were first found...

- 50th Anniversary Of The Nubia Campaign
UNESCO If you have the opportunity to visit the Nubia Museum in Aswan do be sure not miss the ground floor exhibit of photographs which were taken during the rescue operation. They are quite remarkable and show not only the temples before and during rescue,...

- Observing The Sun On The Face Of Ramesses "Head of Aswan and Nubia monuments Mohamad El Beyali said some 5,000 tourists of various nationalities arrived in Aswan to watch the Sun perpendicularity on the face Ramses II statue in Abu Simbel. Aswan governorate prepared an...

- Paris To Host Nubian Exhibition "An Egyptian Antiquity delegation will soon fly to Paris to participate in the "Nubia Campaign: Yesterday and Today" exhibition. It has been organized by UNESCO headquarters in Paris on 13 April. This exhibition...

