Revisiting the Unearthing Egypt's Greatest Temple

This is a re-review of an older story from 2007.
The mortuary temple of the 18th dynasty king Amenhotep III must have been quite the most sumptuous ever created.
This kings reign was an artistic high, sadly little more than a century later an earthquake partially destroyed it and a 19th dynasty king made his funerary monument out of the older monuments blocks.
On the upside king Merenptah had the blocks turned around and re carved for himself thus the older carvings were unseen and protected.
The Talatat Wall In The Luxor Museum
Recently I found myself viewing this image of the talatat wall of the Gempaaten created by the heretic King Amenhotep IV and erected at Karnak in the first years of his reign. The wall is in the much overlooked Luxor Museum of Egyptian Art and...
The Raising Of Amenhotep Iii
The Egyptian antiquities service has re-erected 2 statues on their original site in the memorial temple of Amenhotep III at Luxor. Amenhotep III was known as "the magnificent" because he reigned at the epoch of the Egyptian empire in the middle of the...
The Reconstruction Of Amenhotep Iii
Two 14 m colossal sandstone statues of King Amenhotep III discovered in that kings mortuary temple in 1933 have been uncovered and packed to be shipped to a dryer climate to be reconstructed and consolidated with the intent of returning them...
Discoveries At The Mortuary Temple Of Amenhotep Iii
Here we have an article of recent discoveries made by archaeologists at the site of the 18th dynasty mortuary temple of Amenhotep III ca. 1390-1352B.C.. The recent finds include a rare colossal alabaster statue of the king and a granodiorite head of a...
Mortuary Temple Of Nebmaatre
Excellent story of what still lays within the ruins of the great kings now destroyed.