Statue of Rehuankh

This statue is dated to the reign of Sesostris III to Amenemhet III and was probably central to a family tomb chapel at Abydos. There are also two offering tables known from this same chapel.
This middle Kingdom quartzite statue EA 1785 in the British museum was bequeathed by Lady Coote in 1984.
New Book: Tt176. The Tomb Chapel Of Userhat
Golden House Publications By Bram Calcoen in collaboration with Christiane Müller-Hazenbos. TT176. The Tomb Chapel of Userhat ISBN 978-1906137274 34 pages + 23 b/w plates; 4 colour plates, paperback, A4 (March 2012) This is the publication of the Theban...
Statue Of Egyptian King Amenhotep Iii Found
Egypt State Information Service A huge statue of King Amenhotep III has been discovered in the Upper Egyptian city of Luxor. The 13-meter-high quartzite statue was unearthed during excavations carried out by the mission of the Supreme Council for Antiquities...
More Re Ehnasya Al-medina Cemetery
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) The site of Ehnasya Al-Medina, which is perched on a hill, incorporates a number of cemeteries and temples spanning from the late First Intermediate Period and early Middle Kingdom through to the Roman period. From this...
The Ancient Nobles Of Armant
Archaeologists working at the temple of Montu at Armant have had good pickings recently with the discovery of five heads with crowns, said to be of Middle Kingdom period and now two statues of nobles though without their heads. The first is of an 18th...
"the Starving Of Saqqara", Real Or Fake?
This interesting article is from Past Horizons and contains a video to help in looking at this 67cm limestone statue collected by Vincent and Olga Diniacopoulos in the first half of the twentieth century. The statue has been at Concordia University in...