TV programme re the age of the Sphinx

There was a programme on UK terrestrial television (Channel 5, 8pm) last night entitled
Sphinx, in the
Secrets of Egypt series. I haven't seen the first two episodes in the series and I didn't take notes last night whilst I was cooking, but it may be worth keeping an eye open for a repeat if you are UK based and you missed it. I've done a very rough summary below but the Daily Mail Online has a rather more comprehensive overview.
The programme examined the possibility of the Sphinx having been built by Khafre, Khufu and Djedefre, before looking at Colin Reader's suggestion that the Sphinx might predate all three and in fact have been the creation of a Second Dynasty ruler. Other geologists are also quoted in detail (I must have given all my attention to perfecting my sauce at that stage, because I missed most of this part of the programme!).
It was also proposed by another expert, Jonathan Foyle, that the Sphinx, the head of which seems much too small for its body, may have had a very different form when first created and that it was later modified to represent a more recent Pharaoh. One suggestion is that it could have been in the form of a lion, as in the image above.
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