Update on the daily photograph re the mystery foot

Thanks very much to Bob Partridge (Ancient Egypt Magazine) for getting back to me about the photograph I posted of a solitary foot, taken from a hot air balloon over Luxor's west bank. Bob thinks that
the feet in question and a few scattered blocks are connected to the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III and that they lie to the north of the temple, and hence, very close to the Merenptah site. Bob says that he thinks that there was a side entrance to the temple of Amenhotep, with a stone gateway and statues, but this is all that remains and is part of the site which will get investigated in due course as part of the work on the temple. One to keep an eye on!
Many thanks to Peter White for sending me the photograph.
More Re Discoveries At Temple Of Amenhotep Iii
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) A good summary of the work carried out at Kom el Hittan. When it was constructed on Luxor's west bank during the 14th century BC, the mortuary temple of the 18th-Dynasty pharaoh Amenhotep III was the largest temple...
More Discoveries From The Mortuary Temple Of Amenhotep Iii
Yahoo! NB - the photograph currently showing on the page is not from the site - it is not even from Egypt - but is part of a slideshow of general archaeology and anthropology photographs. A team of archaeologists unearthed two large red granite statues...
An Update From The Ramesseum
Luxor News Blog Jane Akshar has posted a new report from Luxor (accompanied by a photograph): I was passing today and got this update. Between the storage magazines and the Amenhotep II temple they have discovered a processional way with jackal head sphinxes....
The Raising Of Amenhotep Iii
The Egyptian antiquities service has re-erected 2 statues on their original site in the memorial temple of Amenhotep III at Luxor. Amenhotep III was known as "the magnificent" because he reigned at the epoch of the Egyptian empire in the middle of the...
The Reconstruction Of Amenhotep Iii
Two 14 m colossal sandstone statues of King Amenhotep III discovered in that kings mortuary temple in 1933 have been uncovered and packed to be shipped to a dryer climate to be reconstructed and consolidated with the intent of returning them...