Videos re the JAMA paper results
Discovery News
King Tut Unwrapped. Ten videos about the work behind the JAMA paper with interviews, footage of various parts of the process and dramatised reconstructions of the period from which Tutankhamum came. All can be accessed from the above page.
King Tut's Paternal Line (02:18)
A DNA test confirms that the unidentified mummy from KV55 is a genetic match with Amenhotep III and thus must be his son Akhenaton, the likely father of Tutankhamun.
Father and Son Reunited (02:31)
After extensive DNA analysis, Dr. Hawass and his team confirm that the KV55 mummy is Akhenaton and that he is the father of Tutankhamun.
Maternal DNA Match (01:44)
Using the latest DNA analysis methods, the team confirms that a anonymous female mummy in tomb KV35 is Tut's mother.
Mysterious Maternity (02:19)
Dr. Hawass and his team take on the daunting challenge of determining the identity of King Tut's mother.
Search For Tut's Mother (02:23)
After successfully identifying King Tut's father, Dr. Hawass pursues leads that just might reveal the identity of his mother.
Killer Malaria (01:57)
Along with his own DNA, King Tut's tissue samples contained genetic markers for the most severe form of malaria that may well have been fatal.
Family Deformities (01:49)
Inbreeding among the members of King Tut's family may have led to congenital deformities including the young king's club foot.
Tut's Name Change (01:45)
Tutankhamun's magnificent golden throne bears subtle, but clear evidence that the young king changed his name to distance himself from the discredited religious cult established by his father Akhenaton.
Royal Sister-Wife (01:25)
In the tradition of ancient Egypt's ruling families, King Tut married his sister Ankhesenamun who seems to have been the great love of his life.
Pharaoh Forensics (02:20)
Forensic specialists make a strong case that an anonymous mummy from the KV55 tomb may be that of Akhenaton, the probable father of Tutankhamun.
You Tube
DNA tests on the 3300 years old Mummy of the boy king Tutankhamun have revealed the possible cause of his death and mapped his family tree firmer than ever. The new study traces that his father was actually Pharaoh Akhenaten ... his mother's brother.
Video on the above page.
24-Hour News 8 first reported Tuesday about new evidence that identified the cause of death of Egypt's King Tut. Thursday, one of the scientists behind the research spoke to 24-Hour News 8.
Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, reveals not only the cause of death, but the illness caused by Tut's family tree.
BBC (courtesy of Discovery News)
Short extract.
Drilling into the king's bones.
Interactive Tutankhamun Dna
National Geographic Thanks to Ann Barrett for the link. Whether you believe in the results or not, this is still a rather good graphic representation of the DNA analysis in the family of Tutankhamun. Genetic testing on 11 mummies revealed the remains...
Dna Shows That Kv55 Mummy Probably Not Akhenaten
News from the Valley of the Kings (Kate Phizackerley) Kate has reviewed the JAMA article and has come to a different view of the KV55 mummy than that proposed by the authors. Here's the abstract, but the complete article is available at the above...
Feature: How Did Tutankhamun Die? With video (transcription available on Heritage Key). Before the tomb of King Tutankhamun was found, Egyptologists knew very little about this short-reigned king. Since the discovery of KV 62 in 1922, King Tut has become the most famous pharaoh,...
King Tut's Father Id'd In Stone Inscription
Discovery Channel (Rossella Lorenzi) An inscribed limestone block might have solved one of history's greatest mysteries -- who fathered the boy pharaoh King Tut. "We can now say that Tutankhamun was the child of Akhenaten," Zahi Hawass, chief of Egypt's...
After Nefertiti
With the recent release of the data from the DNA and CT scanning of the eighteenth dynasty mummies in particular the mummies believed related to king Tutankhamen some new questions have been raised. The results show that the Kv55 man found in a coffin...