Who Tamed Who

This story about the domestication of cats leaves me to wonder about tolerance rather than "taming".
The human home always had mice and I am sure that wild cats were probably tolerated long before they became pets.
When the cats around but there are no mice the home owner may just as well throw a scrap of food at the wild cat to keep him around.
Math Puzzles’ Oldest Ancestors Took Form On Egyptian Papyrus
New York Times (Pam Belluck) I met a man with seven wives. ...” You may know this singsong quiz, But what you might not know is this: That it began with ancient Egypt’s Early math-filled manuscripts. It’s true. That very British-sounding St. Ives...
Evolution Of The House Cat
Scientific American (by Carlos A. Driscoll, Juliet Clutton-Brock, Andrew C. Kitchener and Stephen J. O'Brien) It is by turns aloof and affectionate, serene and savage, endearing and exasperating. Despite its mercurial nature, however, the house cat...
The Cat In Ancient Egypt
Felines in Egypt blog Thanks to Kat Newkirk for forwarding the link to this summary of the role of cats in ancient Egypt. It is written by blog owner Jessica J. Bogg, is accompanied by photographs and contains a list of references at the end. The cat...
Would Ancient Egyptians Worship Your Pet Cat? The next time you sip your morning coffee while watching your favorite pet feline methodically groom herself for the day, consider this: your pet cat might have been revered, even worshipped by Egyptians thousands of years ago. These ancient...
Egyptians Not The First To Domesticate Cats
BBC News By Paul Rincon Alright, so its a bit of a stretch to include this as Egyptology , but it does indicate that domesticated cats are now known in Cyprus before they first appear in Egypt. The oldest known evidence of people keeping cats as pets...