The rapid easing of the tension that developed in Egypt as the demonstrations began on January 25th has removed the obstacles to the resumption of work at most archaeological sites in Egypt.I am delighted to report that I will travel to Amarna on Monday (February 28th) to re-open the expedition house. The archaeological team will begin to arrive shortly afterwards, with a view to commencing the excavations at the South Tombs Cemetery. We will be a week later in starting than we planned, but that still gives us seven weeks of excavation.
Later in the season, we will also return to the repairs at the North Palace. Last year we set up an appeal to raise an additional sum of £2825 pounds sterling. The site is:
Many people have responded, to give us a total so far of £1430.
Can you help us to reach the target by making a donation?
The site is open until the end of March.
We have all lived through a remarkable moment in history. The attached picture, taken near Tahrir Square, captures the spirit of optimism and friendliness to the outside world that many Egyptians feel.
Barry Kemp, 26th February 2011
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