3500 year old tomb at Beni Suef

3500 year old tomb at Beni Suef

The State Information Service confirms an earlier report that a new cemetery has been found by a Spanish Mission at Beni Suef:

An ancient cemetery was discovered in the governorate of Beni Suef. The cemetery, discovered by a Spanish mission in the Ahnasia district, includes a cabin, votive room and grave. Sources said that the cemetery was engraved with red inscriptions portraying the owner of the cemetery while standing with the vessels of the seven holy oils behind. The sources added that the cabin had two fake doors and a table. The votive room is located at the eastern part of the cemetery with two tableaus inside, the sources added. A report was drawn up and would be submitted to Culture Minister Farouq Hosni for allocating funds for completing the excavations in the area and restoring the discovered pieces.

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- Ancient Cemetery Unearthed In Beni Sueif
http://www.algomhuria.net.eg/gazette/1/ (The story on this URL will expire shortly) "A Spanish archaeological team in Ihnasia, Beni Sueif Governorate, yesterday unearthed a cemetery dating back to the 1st Intermediate Period (2200-2040 BC). It is here...

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