Arqueólogos hallan restos de un templo de Ramsés II, Beni Suef

Arqueólogos hallan restos de un templo de Ramsés II, Beni Suef


Un grupo de arqueólogos ha hallado restos de un templo faraónico de la época de Ramsés II (1304-1237 a.C) cerca de la ciudad de Beni Suef, 20 kilómetros al sur de El Cairo, informó hoy el Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades (CSA).

El jefe del Departamento del Antiguo Egipto del CSA, Sabri Abdel Aziz, explicó en un comunicado que la misión descubrió este año una decena de cartuchos con el nombre de Ramsés II grabado.

En la antigua ciudad de Ahnasia, situada cerca de Beni Suef, los arqueólogos encontraron, además de los cartuchos verticales, un relieve con el nombre del faraón.

En este relieve se habla de la construcción del templo, lo que indica, según la nota, que en esa zona existe un monumento de la misma época.

Aziz señaló que la misión arqueológica continuará con sus excavaciones en la antigua ciudad de Ahnasia.

The SCA have announced that a group of archaeologists has found ruins of a Pharaonic temple from the reign of Ramses II (1304-1237 BC) near the town of Beni Suef, 20 miles south of Cairo. Sabri Abdel Aziz, said in a statement that the mission found a dozen cartouches with the name of Ramses II recorded. In the ancient city of Ahnasia, near Beni Suef, archaeologists found, in addition to the cartouches, a relief showing the name of the pharaoh. In this relief there is a description of the construction of the temple, indicating that a monument dating to the same period was also constructed in the area. Aziz noted that the archaeological team will continue its excavations in the ancient city of Ahnasia.

In addition the statement says that this year the team found traces of houses built with adobe bricks. Dating to the the IV and V centuries AD, finds included several terracotta Roman statues representing the gods Isis, Horus, Aphrodite, and ceramic lamps.

A mission from the Supreme Council of Antiquities have also investigated the remains of a temple in the village of Nabaui, now known as Belfi, located seven kilometers from the city of Beni Suef.

Egyptian Culture Minister Farouk Hosni has also announced the expansion and improvement of the museum of Beni Suef, after they had dealt with the problems of groundwater seepage which had caused flooding in the basement of the building.

Excavations in Upper Egypt's Ehnasia archaeological area in Beni-Sueif recently uncovered the remains of a 3,000 year old temple dating from the reign of ancient Egyptian pharaoh Rameses II.

"Inside the remains of this temple, excavators uncovered ten cartouches of Ramesses II and beneath them a relief saying that the ruler had built this temple for himself in Ehnasia," said the head of Egypt's Supreme Archaeology's Pharaonic Section, Sabri Abdel Aziz in a statement on Thursday.

Ramesses II ruled Egypt from 1279-1213 BC and was the son of Seti I, whose secret 'tomb within a tomb' was uncovered in June by a team of Egyptian archaeologists in the Valley of the Kings in central Egypt.

A collection of mud-brick structures dating to the fourth and fifth century AD were also found at the site of the Ramesses II era temple, according to Aziz.

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