Ramesses in Upper Egypt

Ramesses in Upper Egypt

Excavations being carried out at Beni-Sueif have uncovered a temple built by the 19th dynasty Pharaoh Ramesses II, 1279-1213 bc. The excavators also have uncovered a collection of terra cotta statues of Isis, Horus and others .

The remains of mud brick buildings from later periods were also uncovered.

- Earliest Ever Civil Roman Basilica Found Outside Alexandria
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) With three photos. At Al-Baron area in Semouha district, south of Alexandria, an Egyptian archaeological mission has discovered several significant monuments and artefacts that will help in the writing of the history of the...

- More Re Discoveries At Temple Of Amenhotep Iii
Al Ahram Weekly (Nevine El-Aref) A good summary of the work carried out at Kom el Hittan. When it was constructed on Luxor's west bank during the 14th century BC, the mortuary temple of the 18th-Dynasty pharaoh Amenhotep III was the largest temple...

- Arqueólogos Hallan Restos De Un Templo De Ramsés Ii, Beni Suef
ABC Un grupo de arqueólogos ha hallado restos de un templo faraónico de la época de Ramsés II (1304-1237 a.C) cerca de la ciudad de Beni Suef, 20 kilómetros al sur de El Cairo, informó hoy el Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades (CSA). El jefe del Departamento...

- In The Field: Update Re Giza From Hawass
drhawass.com Press Release. Here's an extract. There are more details and photos on the above page. The most important tomb is the one belonging to Idu. It is rectangular in structure with a mud brick outside casing covered with plaster. It has several...

- Egyptian Mummy Exhibit May Be Son Of Ramesses Ii
The Telegraph (Lucy Cockcroft) An Egyptian mummy kept on display in a provincial museum for nearly 80 years has been identified as a son of the powerful pharaoh Ramesses II. The 3,000-year-old relic was thought to have been a female temple dancer, but...

