A Century in Egypt

A Century in Egypt

Very good article on the contributions of Hungarian expeditions in Egypt over the last century.

- Hungarian Team To Excavate In Nile Delta
http://english.mti.hu/default.asp?menu=1&theme=2&cat=25&newsid=237778"A team of ten Hungarian archeologists will soon begin excavations at two sites in northern Egypt's Nile river delta, the head of the expedition told MTI on Tuesday. Commissioned...

- More On The Oxyrhynchus Papyri
http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/05/31/features/hype.php An article which describes some of the responses to The Independent's article about the Oxyrhynchus papyri: "Unearthed from centuries-old garbage dumps in central Egypt in the late 19th century,...

- The Reconstruction Of Amenhotep Iii
Two 14 m colossal sandstone statues of King Amenhotep III discovered in that kings mortuary temple in 1933 have been uncovered and packed to be shipped to a dryer climate to be reconstructed and consolidated with the intent of returning them...

- Rediscovering A Lost Temple
Czech archaeologists have uncovered a temple in the Sudan that was last seen in the 19th century then was buried by the desert and forgotten. The temple is dated to the Meroe period from the 4th century bc to the 4th century ad and is located 130 km north...

- Naos Of Amenemhet I
This is a nice short article from the Egyptian vice minister of culture Dr. Zahi Hawass on the history of a Naos at Karnak and the fragment of it which disappeared a century ago to be bought by the good people of the Metropolitan museum of art and returned...

