Hungarian team to excavate in Nile delta

Hungarian team to excavate in Nile delta
"A team of ten Hungarian archeologists will soon begin excavations at two sites in northern Egypt's Nile river delta, the head of the expedition told MTI on Tuesday. Commissioned by the Egyptian Archeology Office, the Hungarian experts will excavate in June a tomb dating back to the 12th century BC and a large archeological site in the middle of a village now called Kom Truga, near Alexandria, to trace the past of a once-thriving agricultural centre under the rule of the Ptolemies, said Zsuzsanna Vanek.
Egyptian archeologists in 1950 and 1997 made two unsuccessful attempts to verify whether the centre, which was sitting along a key trade route to Libya, was indeed destroyed by an earthquake in the 2nd-3rd century AD. The two main obstacles were several buildings underneath a Muslim burial site, which had to be left intact, and a high level of ground water. The expedition has funding of 2 million forints (EUR 8,100) to begin the work, Vanek said.
Hungarian archeologists excavated 54 sites along the River Nile in Sudan last year."
This is the complete item on the above web page.

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