Expedition to trace Nile to its source

Expedition to trace Nile to its source

"A New Zealander leading a team of Britons through Africa says they want to make the first complete ascent of the Nile River. 'Our goal is to accurately measure the length of the Nile to its longest source,' New Zealander and team co-leader Cam McLeay said. 'There's been a lot of debate over the last several hundred years about the source of the Nile'. The five men and one woman started their journey today at Rosetta near the city of Alexandria on Egypt's Mediterranean coast, and are in Cairo on their way to Rwanda, where they believe the ultimate source of the Nile lies , the Egyptian Gazette newspaper reports. The paper quoted the British Embassy in Cairo as saying that the team has entered the Nile, stretching for 6695km, at its mouth to the sea and the journey up the river to its longest source in Rwanda is expected to complete by late December. The expedition is the first ever ascent of the world's longest river, the embassy said in a press release. The whole expedition will be tracked by satellites on the dedicated website The expedition will follow the Nile, the world's longest river, through Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and possibly Burundi". See the above URL for more.
The expedition's website is at: http://www.ascendthenile.com/

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