Down the big river

Down the big river
Geographical Magazine's January 2007 issue is featuring an article about the Nile:
Down the big river
"Winding some 6,695 kilometres from the heart of Africa to the Mediterranean Sea, the River Nile is the world's longest river." The article is only available in print (magazine hard copy) format, although there is a preview of the magazine available in Flash Player 9 at this address:
Another article that may be of interest, although not directly related to Egyptology is:
Plundering the past
The looting of antiquities has a history as old as the anqituities themselves, but political instability and rising prices have seen a surge in thefts in recent years.

- The Nile Is Not The World's Longest River
I was going to save this for Saturday Trivia next weekend, but it is a very slow news day today, so here you have it: the Amazon is longer than the Nile.IT IS the ultimate pub quiz question and has perplexed school children for generations. But now it...

- Journal Of Archaeological Science ( The July issue of the JAS includes an article entitled Monuments on a migrating Nile John K. Hillier, Judith M. Bunbury and Angus Graham (Volume 34, Issue 7, July 2007, Pages 1011-1015). Abstract: "River...

- Travelling Back In Time Only available in the print edition: "Time Travel - The Grand Tour is here again as tourists rediscover the past". Geographical Magazine is running a feature on what draws us to travel back to ancient sites, in its December...

- Tourist Cruise Ships Contribute To River Pollution an article discussing the pollution of the River Nile, Nile tourism is cited as a contributing factor: "Another problem is created by tourist cruises, floating houses and the river commercial fleet comprised of...

- Nile Floods And Civilization "The highs and lows of the Nile River have shaped the course of Egyptian civilization for more than 8,000 year". This article, written by Professor Fekri Hassan, is only the in print version of the magazine Geotimes,...

