Nile Floods and Civilization

Nile Floods and Civilization
"The highs and lows of the Nile River have shaped the course of Egyptian civilization for more than 8,000 year". This article, written by Professor Fekri Hassan, is only the in print version of the magazine Geotimes, and there are no more details about it on the web page.

- More On Mega-lake Discovered In Western Desert
Discovery News (Larry O'Hanlon) The hyper-arid deserts of western Egypt were once home to a lush mega-lake fed by the Nile River's earliest annual floods. Fossil fish and space shuttle radar images have defined the bed and drainage channels of...

- Down The Big River Magazine's January 2007 issue is featuring an article about the Nile: Down the big river"Winding some 6,695 kilometres from the heart of Africa to the Mediterranean Sea, the River Nile is the world's...

- River Of Data Decodes Nile Cycles "Climatologists have already combed the abundant Nile River data and revealed a connection between patterns in the water-level cycles and Indo-Pacific Ocean patterns. But large gaps in the data, especially...

- The Nile Valley - Where Ancient Meets Modern,2106,3358004a2180,00.html An article looking at the value of the Nile to Egypt, ancient and modern, and contrasting the natural flooding of the Valley in days before large-scale damming projects began, with life since the...

- Ancient Egyptians Hoarded Crude Oil A Discovery Channel news item about use of tar in mummies and the trade in oil in the Middle East 3000 years ago. A more popular-style article and slightly longer item than the 6th Feb article...

