River of data decodes Nile cycles

River of data decodes Nile cycles

"Climatologists have already combed the abundant Nile River data and revealed a connection between patterns in the water-level cycles and Indo-Pacific Ocean patterns. But large gaps in the data, especially after A.D. 1470, have left this analysis incomplete. Now, Michael Ghil, a geophysicist at the University of California, Los Angeles, developed with colleagues what he calls an advanced technique to fill the gaps. Analysis of the data, published in the May 24 Geophysical Research Letters, turns up evidence for a seven-year cycle that researchers say may be influenced by the North Atlantic ocean". See the Geotimes article above for more about this fascinating subject.

For anyone interested in the subject of palaeoclimate dating back into earlier prehistoric times in Egypt, a couple of academic papers are free online and some are listed on this page:
(See Cremaschi and Di Lernia and two articles by Nicoll, and one on the southern Levant by Munro).

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