Journal of Archaeological Science

Journal of Archaeological Science (

The July issue of the JAS includes an article entitled Monuments on a migrating Nile John K. Hillier, Judith M. Bunbury and Angus Graham (Volume 34, Issue 7, July 2007, Pages 1011-1015).

Abstract: "River courses migrate, but many Egyptologists plot the present-day River Nile on maps of the valley in archaeological times. This may have misled interpretations of ancient monuments and settlements. We show a river migrating rapidly on historical timescales in the Luxor region, sweeping > 5 km across the valley at rates on the order of 2–3 km per 1000 years. Satellite elevation data (SRTM), processed by a novel method, and Landsat imagery are used to trace ancient river levees and extend trends present in 200 years of archive maps thousands of years into the past. This supplements observations by Ptolemy (121–141 AD) and places local geo-archaeological studies in a wider spatial and temporal context. Satellite data are demonstrated to be a relatively quick and easy constraint upon ancient river courses, and a basis for investigations along the Egyptian Nile, even in logistically inaccessible regions."

- The Merowe Dam On The Nile
Egittologia (Amelia Carolina Sparavigna) This article is written in rather broken English (though much, much better than my Italian!) but is well worth persevering with because it makes some very important points about the way in which dam-formed lakes...

- Radar Images Reveal Lost Lake
Thaindian The original article can be found in the December 2010 edition of the journal Geology but be warned that it costs $25.00 for a day's access to the article. Geologists have found that a huge lake waxed and waned deep in the sandy heart of...

- Down The Big River Magazine's January 2007 issue is featuring an article about the Nile: Down the big river"Winding some 6,695 kilometres from the heart of Africa to the Mediterranean Sea, the River Nile is the world's...

- 7 Most Endangered Wonders Of The World"Dating back to the 14th century B.C., the Luxor temple complex on the west bank of the Nile River—which includes the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens, more than 40 temples and the tombs of...

- Rushdi Said: The Desert Dream A profile of one of the greatest contributors to the understanding of Egypt's geological past, the context within which Egyptian prehistory unfolded: "Rushdi Said, 86, is more than a celebrated...

