7 most endangered wonders of the world

7 most endangered wonders of the world

"Dating back to the 14th century B.C., the Luxor temple complex on the west bank of the Nile River—which includes the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens, more than 40 temples and the tombs of thousands of nobles—is threatened not only by the ravages of tourism and theft, but by the Nile itself. The construction of the Aswan Dam 40 years ago has caused salt to build up in the newly fertile soil around the temples, eroding their ancient foundations and filling many tombs with water. The World Monuments Fund is currently devising a management plan for the site, and hopes to give the complex its biggest renovation since Alexander the Great."
See the above article for details of other world monuments that are at risk.

- Replicas In The Valley Of The Kings?
Al Ahram Weekly (Riad Tawfik) Tourism experts have greeted a plan to open replica tombs for tourists on the west bank at Luxor with considerable scepticism, writes Riad Tawfik Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) has recently announced a radical plan...

- Travel: In Pharaohs’ Steps
The National (Katherine Darcy) Holidaymakers with a passion for the historical will be in their element in Luxor. The city, often nicknamed the “world’s greatest open-air museum”, is home to two thirds of the world’s historical monuments. Located...

- Travel: Luxor - An Open-air Museum
ANBA (Randa Achmawi) Little over 700 kilometres south of Cairo, on the banks of the Nile, is a paradise of monuments of humanity. Also known as Thebes in ancient times, Luxor, in Egypt, is currently an interesting combination between the past and present....

- 5 On The Verge Of Vanishing
http://tinyurl.com/8soz5 (USA Today) A feature on the USA Today website picking out five world heritage and environmental areas currently under threat. One of those picked out is the West Bank at Luxor. This problem has been reported on a number of times,...

- Saving World Monuments
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec05/wmf_8-23.htmlAn interview with Bonnie Burnham, President of the World Monuments Fund, who quotes the West Bank as an example of a project under investigation: "One of the sites that we've had...

