Saving World Monuments

Saving World Monuments
An interview with Bonnie Burnham, President of the World Monuments Fund, who quotes the West Bank as an example of a project under investigation: "One of the sites that we've had on several watch lists is the ancient Egyptian monuments at Luxor. First, the Valley of Kings was listed and now the entire West Bank of the Nile, at the place of Ancient Thebes. It's a very complex situation involving too much tourism, too much development, a rise in the water table as a result of the building of the Aswan Dam, more agriculture encroaching on the monumental sites as a result. And there are archeologists throughout the area who are working against the clock to try to excavate ancient monuments and sculpture that are in the ground that are deteriorating very, very rapidly as a result of all of this. And what the watch listing is calling for is a plan for the whole area that will protect the sites and use these economic generators to support the preservation rather than to undermine the very thing that people go there for". The whole interview is well worth reading in full.

- Travel: In Pharaohs’ Steps
The National (Katherine Darcy) Holidaymakers with a passion for the historical will be in their element in Luxor. The city, often nicknamed the “world’s greatest open-air museum”, is home to two thirds of the world’s historical monuments. Located...

- More Re World Monuments Watch "The World Monuments Fund (WMF) announced its 2008 World Monuments Watch List of 100 Most Endangered Sites today. This year’s list highlights buildings and other heritage sites that...

- World Monuments Watch Thanks to Nigel Hetherington for forwarding the following press release from the World Monuments Watch: "Since 1965, WMF has helped to save more than 450 sites in over 90 countries. And we are about to give a fighting...

- 7 Most Endangered Wonders Of The World"Dating back to the 14th century B.C., the Luxor temple complex on the west bank of the Nile River—which includes the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens, more than 40 temples and the tombs of...

- Sites Just Clinging To Existance An LA Times article which provides a short listing with brief descriptions of sites that they consider to be in danger, including the West Bank tombs: "What's at risk: West Bank of the Nile River, Luxor, Egypt. Archeological...

