World Monuments Watch

World Monuments Watch
Thanks to Nigel Hetherington for forwarding the following press release from the World Monuments Watch:
"Since 1965, WMF has helped to save more than 450 sites in over 90 countries. And we are about to give a fighting chance to another 100 sites in dire need. WMF announces the 2008 World Monuments Watch List of 100 Most Endangered Sites, our flagship preservation program.
Issued every two years, the Watch List calls international attention to threatened cultural heritage around the world. Since the program's inception in 1996, hundreds of sites-from the famous and familiar to the unexpected and remote-have been selected for inclusion on the Watch. To date, more than 75 percent of Watch sites have been saved, or are well on their way towards being preserved. For many nominated sites, inclusion on the Watch has turned out to be their best, and perhaps only, hope for survival."

Three Egyptian sites are listed - Shunet el Zebib, Luxor and Cairo's Blue Mosque. Go to the above site and click on the locational dots on the world map to bring up a box which shows more details about each of these sites, photographs, and a list of the main threats to them. Within the box, click on the "Read the site's story" link to see full details.

- Conservation: Legacy In Danger
Egypt Today (Nadine El Sayed) With photographs. Two of Egypt’s heritage sites — a 50-year-old village built by a famous architect, and an 800-year-old mosque built of mud and salt — are in danger of decay, according to the World Monuments Fund (WMF)....

- Seven Egyptian Sites In Euromed Heritage Program "Seven heritage sites in Egypt have been selected for restoration through 'Adopt a Mediterranean Heritage,' a new and innovative initiative from the Euromed Heritage Program. Twenty-five...

- 5 On The Verge Of Vanishing (USA Today) A feature on the USA Today website picking out five world heritage and environmental areas currently under threat. One of those picked out is the West Bank at Luxor. This problem has been reported on a number of times,...

- Wadi Hitan article about the prehistoric marine life in the Wadi Hitan by Hassan Saadallah. "It might be strange to know that Fayyoum, the large fertile depression in the desert, used to have a large number of whales,...

- Saving World Monuments interview with Bonnie Burnham, President of the World Monuments Fund, who quotes the West Bank as an example of a project under investigation: "One of the sites that we've had...

