More re World Monuments Watch

More re World Monuments Watch
"The World Monuments Fund (WMF) announced its 2008 World Monuments Watch List of 100 Most Endangered Sites today. This year’s list highlights buildings and other heritage sites that are threatened by political conflict, unchecked development, and, for the first time, climate change."
This page lists the monuments by the nature of the threat that confronts them.

- Conservation: Legacy In Danger
Egypt Today (Nadine El Sayed) With photographs. Two of Egypt’s heritage sites — a 50-year-old village built by a famous architect, and an 800-year-old mosque built of mud and salt — are in danger of decay, according to the World Monuments Fund (WMF)....

- Climate Change Poses Threat To World Heritage "Governments must realize that the greenhouse effect is damaging world heritage monuments such as the Parthenon, climatology experts said at the International Conference on Climate currently...

- World Heritage Sites: Threat Or Promise? ( An article about the pros and cons of establishing a site as a World Heritage Site. It is specific to three sites recently nominated in Saudi Arabia, but puts them into the context of more general issues: "Automobile...

- 5 On The Verge Of Vanishing (USA Today) A feature on the USA Today website picking out five world heritage and environmental areas currently under threat. One of those picked out is the West Bank at Luxor. This problem has been reported on a number of times,...

- Saving World Monuments interview with Bonnie Burnham, President of the World Monuments Fund, who quotes the West Bank as an example of a project under investigation: "One of the sites that we've had...

