Tomb of Puimre (TT39 ) to be restored by Mexican Team

Tomb of Puimre (TT39 ) to be restored by Mexican Team,1,5856031.story?coll=la-headlines-world
"For the first time, a Mexican archeological team has been selected by Egypt's top antiquities authorities to work in the famous Upper Nile Valley. The group was chosen to refurbish the so-called Tomb of Puimre, or TT39, one of the country's most important unrestored burial chambers.The team, selected by the Egyptian government's Supreme Council of Antiquities and made up mainly of scientists from the University of the Valley of Mexico, in March will begin a five-year renovation project to make the site suitable for the public to visit. (It has been closed since the 1920s.)They will apply techniques that Mexico's archeologists have developed in their effort to preserve and understand their nation's 5,000 pre-Columbian sites, as well as myriad Spanish colonial churches, convents and palaces."
See the article for more.

- Egypt Restores Archaeological Piece From Mexico
Ahram Online (Nevine El-Aref) With 2 photos. After three years in the custody of the Mexican government for investigation, Egypt receives a 17x15cm-wide New Kingdom relief that had been smuggled out of the country illegally. The story of the relief began...

- Looted Egyptian Artefact Due To Return This Week From Mexico Press Release. An ancient Egyptian object, a limestone relief panel, will return to Egypt from Mexico. The relief, which depicts the head of an unidentified person, has been in the custody of Mexican customs for three years. It is currently...

- Arquéologos Mexicanos Culminan Estudios En Tumba (tt39)
TeleSur Thanks to Amigos de la Egiptologia for the above link. See a link to Jane's blog, below, for photographs of TT39. The photos on the TeleSur site, above, are general photographs of Luxor monuments and tombs. Here's a rough summary. A team...

- Requests For Information
1) Does anyone have an electronic copy of following article that I could get hold of? Neville Langton, "Bast— The Cat Goddess," Antiquarian Quarterly, vol. I, no. 4, Dec. 1925, pp. 93-4. 2) TT39 - Jane Akshar posted an item a couple of weeks ago on...

- Discoveries In Theban Tomb 39 very much to the EEF News Digest for another great edition, and for the following news item, summarizing the discoveries of the Mexican team excavating TT39 in the 2006 season. The tomb, which...

